We help you sell more with Shopify.
Shopify is a web-based Ecommerce application that makes it simple to set-up and manage an online shop, perfect for any size business. Shopify offers product inventory management and order management, as well as content management, and payment gateway integration. Shopify provides a reliable, secure shopping cart solution for your ecommerce website. The shopping cart software allows you to accept credit cards payments by integrating with Australian payment gateways like Eway and SecurePay as well as PayPal.
Inventory Management.
Add your products, upload their photos, set stock levels and more.
Track order status.
Keep track of which orders have been paid for, shipped or delivered.
Content Management.
The built-in CMS feature allows you to create webpages, blog about products and more.
Ecommerce Analytics.
Learn where your businesses – customers come from. We also integrate with Google Analytics.
Marketing Features.
Built-in Search Engine Optimization, coupon codes and other marketing features help you to sell your items.
Manage Customers.
Manage and filter customer groups based upon search filters like: where they’re located, money spent, etc.
Do not hesitate to request the service, order now
My greetings
Youssef Ghamry