Home Automation is a way of controlling most domestic appliances and lighting within your living area. With some innovative thinking it can make your home come alive at the touch of a button. Our Technology has come a long way. We have developed an 'Energy Saving Concept’ controlling the flow of electricity around the home. For example, on walking out your front door or going to bed at night, turn all your sockets off at the touch of one button, then when you arrive home or wake up turn them all back on again! Everyone has 'Hard To Reach Sockets', under beds, behind cupboards or sideboards. Normally next to a bed or on a sideboard would be a lamp, and access to the plug is very difficult. With Arana Technologies’s Home Automation , ‘On/Off Range’ you can control the lamp by remote control, primarily switching the lamp on and off, but you can also dim the bulb on any standard lamp.