1. Advanced language knowledge
You can’t translate something unless you understand it.
And if you don’t understand the text fully, you risk misinterpreting it and delivering a translation that’s not completely accurate.
So good translators need to understand all meaning – including all the subtle nuances implied in the text.
That level of understanding requires advanced, near native level, knowledge of your source language.
Nothing less will do.
2. Excellent writing skills
To be a good translator you must be a very good, and not merely adequate, writer in your target language.
You must have a way with words, the ability to write with flair.
3. In-depth cultural knowledge
Good translators have a deep understanding of both source and target cultures.
That’s general cultural knowledge like values systems and how people view the world.
And culture-specific aspects like pastimes, customs, etc.
You’ll often need cultural knowledge to grasp the significance or implication of text you’re translating.
4. Sound research skills
Translators are always researching things – wording, meanings, vocab, jargon, background info.
The more efficiently you can do it the better.
5. Best practice translation and review processes
Translation is mentally challenging, and it’s dead easy for the odd shortcoming to slip through.
A little inaccuracy here, less than ideal wording there.
That’s why good translators stick like barnacles to proven translation processes.
6. Sound translation judgement
Good translators make consistently good translation decisions.
On vocabulary and structures to use, when to be more literal / freer, what and how much to research, etc.
Much of this is instinctive, but with the right effort any translator can markedly improve this basic skill.
7. Computing and CAT skills
You’ll need to have good command of commonly used office programs – Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc
And you should be an expert on your chosen TM software.
8 personal qualities every good translator will have1. Attention to detail
Without this quality, translators won’t consistently produce fully accurate, well-worded translations
2. Good organisation
Successful translators manage their time well, have good recordkeeping and are efficient in what they do.
3. Self-motivation
The energy and discipline to do what you have to do, and go the extra mile when you need to, can only come from you.
4. Dependability
Clients must be able to rely on you to respond promptly to communications and meet translation deadlines.
5. Adaptability
The quality to take non-standard translation projects and unusual client requests in your stride. And to consider reviewer critiques and suggestions with an open mind.
6. Integrity
To play by the “rules” – maintain confidentiality, observe business and professional ethics, respect your client/supplier relationships.