Gayle Elizabeth Poe Lacasse offering solutions to your needs - service with a smile. Have you ever 'heard' a smile over the phone or sensed one via email. You will if you allow me to work with you to get your job done.Mobile, versatile, proficient and professional; cloud computing has enabled me to offer my services to a wide variety of industries. My goal is to offer strong office adminstration and support skills that respond to the needs of any employer, in any part of the world.Applying my skills to your needs opens the door for endless possiblities. Years of office administration, both as self-employed and industry employed, have given me a broad scope of strengths. Top among those strengths would be organization, documentation, accounting, researching and writing. Whether I'm doing a task for an employer or for a friend, with or without pay, it will be done well and in a timely manner.Flexibility and an openness to accept whatever challenges present themselve are traits I take p