Pertaining to pick of Human Resource
I have skills of selecting human resources on the basis of ethos of business and urge. I am also able to settle many sources of Human Resource and finally utilize them at optimum level to achieve global level targets of orgnisation.
~Human Resource are as expertise
Planning of human Resource focusing over quantity and quality, expansion and diversificaion & attrition rates to put right person, at right place at right time.
Recruitment sources identification in both aspects; Internal and External.
Selecting the candidate through Rejection-Process, cater to CV, Screening, Application blank, Test, Performance evalution, Priliminary Interview, Core Interview, references and medical examination.
Provide sagacious training to selected candidates in the form of not only orgnisational development but also personal, to make them adept, witty, proficient and adroit. My area of provide training with are Skill based, Human relations based, Problem solving based and Supervisory based.This eminent level of training will help to remove phobia from novice.
~Ability to Management development
I have grit to grow management development through provide coaching, job rotation, understudy assignments, case study, business games, in basket method and role play to selected candidates for achieving the goal with elegance level of performance.
~Capable of employee career palnning and growth
Growth will make very contented the employee then he/she will perform with ecstasy, it will help to give optimum ramification. I am able to give career path, ensure growth opportunities, career anchor, autonomy, enterpreneurial creativity, career counsling, need-opportunity alignment and outplacement programmes.
~Regarding performance appraisal
To maintain the level of performance and also to improve it, I am able to impliment many methods with accuracy; trait based method, behaviour based, results based, graphic scale based, essay evalution based, MBO, ranking based, paired based, 360 degree mathod and critical incident methods.