If you are facing any difficulty in organic chemistry or general chemistry problems then you are at the right place. I am professional chemist having a 4 years of teaching experience in field of chemistry. I have done masters degree in organic chemistry as a major subject. I will assist the students in learning the chemistry concepts. I can make the students chemistry master in the reaction mechanism field.
My expertise related to Organic chemistry field are
General organic chemistry mechanisms
All Spectroscopes like U.V, NM R, I.R.
SN I,SN 2,E I,E 2 mechanisms
Stereo-chemistry concepts
Diels-alder reactions
Chemical bonding’s
My expertise related to general chemistry
Basic general chemistry concepts
Chemical bonding’s
Chemical Equilibrium
Solution chemistry
Customer satisfaction is my first priority
I will give you reasonable price with excellent work
I will do my best while doing your task