Hi Guys! My name is Abubakar. I cordially welcome you all
I will professionally provide a service with the following tasks.
Product Hunting
- Helium 10
- Jungle scout
- Merchant word
Product Sourcing
- Ali Baba
- 1688.com
- Ali Express
- UK and USA supplier website
Product Listings & Optimization:
- Single And Bulk Product Listings
- Listings Optimization
- Keyword Research
- Competitor Analysis
- Product Images Creation
- A+ Content
- Content Writing
- Variation Creation
(PPC) Campaigns:
- Existing PPC campaigns Budget and Bids optimization(UP, DOWN, UP and DOWN)
- Advanced Keyword Research
- PPC Campaigns Setup/Audit
Issues Related To Amazon Seller Central:
- Suppressed and Stranded Inventory Fix
- Fixing various issues
- Promotion Creation
- Hijackers Removal