Hi! I am a dependable Data Analyst that is eager to be of your service! I work in Whistler Technologies Services, Inc. (Georgeson, Inc. a subsidiary of Computershare) for about four years now doing different tasks. I have a solid experience using Microsoft Excel, Word, Access, Outlook and Power Point. I am Responsible for accomplishing the following for China, Japan and Rest of the World Clients: 1. China and Japan Interim and Final Reports 2. Hong Kong, Japan and Rest of the World Bank Lists 3. Japan Northern Trust Company (NTC) Requests 4. Hong Kong and Japan Peer Grid Analysis 5. Japan Target Accounts 6. Japan Right Side Details of Master List of Investors 7. Japan Inserts (Thomson Filings, Bloomberg Filings, Factset Filings, Register, NTC, Call Lists & Web Holdings) 8. Thomson, Factset and Bloomberg Filings Downloads 9. SID Pro Uploads, Project Set-Ups etc. 10. Custodians and Register Lists Downloads 11. S330 Filings and Uploads 12. S329 and Sending Lists Preparation 13. Register and Bloomberg Filings G Analysis 14. Different Research Tasks 15. Quality Assurance