Years ago my mother and I were watching an episode of Supernanny with a particularly naughty 3 year old boy. After gawking at the gall of this ferocious 30 pound beast a question came to my mind. "What was I like when I was that young, mom?" I asked, fully expecting to hear similar stories as the little trouble-maker on the television. Considering the fact that I was completely aware of what a trouble-maker I already was, I was surprised to hear how easy I was on my mother. She said I would sit stationary on the carpet with a few of my toys in front of me for hours, completely focused on the expansive world my little head was conjuring up. I find myself in this state of intense focus often times. Its not something I can just switch on and off but when I do reach this elusive existential feeling inside I wind up doing the same thing I did as a young child; I sit stationary, completely focused on my inner dialogue for hours, until I've laid it all out to myself. I literally feel endorphins being released in my brain just by documenting to my psyche the philosophies brought fourth by what I see around me everyday. And low and behold when I do a google search on some of these thoughts I usually find some 14th century philosopher who was on my wavelength so many years ago. I believe this focus is a derivative of my intense urge to broaden my knowledge base. In fact when something interests me I can't help but to start reading, just enough to internalize the content. I will keep going until I realize I have 15 tabs open on my browser. I have ignored school lectures to read about theoretical physics. I truly find comfort in knowing something and putting it under my belt. Ignorance may be bliss, but the right knowledge brews wisdom. I believe it is the formulation of individual opinion, derived from one's particular experience that allows us to transcend mere living and actually contribute to the truth put into existence.