Hi there! I'm a full stack developer, mainly focused on the backend, with over 5 years of experience in Node.js, Javascript, HTML, Python,Bootstrap and CSS. I've personally created projects from scratch spanning over 500K lines of code, and I've developed mobile and complex web apps from scratch in as little as a few months. I'm constantly working on numerous side projects, which means I'm constantly introduced to dozens of languages and libraries. If your requested library isn't listed below - no problem. I can still get things done, fast. I'd love to take a look into your project! My top talents include, but are not limited to: * Node.js Development * Backend Web Development * Frontend Web Development (if design is provided) * React Framework * Python Development Web App Development * Automation Scripts * API Integrations - AWS, DigitalOcean, S3, Amazon APIs, eBay APIs, Walmart APIs, Discord, Shopify, Twilio, Sendgrid - I can integrate basically anything! * Crawling, Web Scraping * Data Warehousing *Back end Development If you're looking for serious automations, or add some major features to your app - look no further. Send an invite and let me assist with any full stack development needs!