This is a special offer to create an automatic news website or any site you want / auto-publish.
News websites usually get a large number of traffic from all over the world due to their nature. And imagine that the site publishes news automatically every hour. You do not do anything, from the best news sites in the world. bubble! The visitor will not miss the news.
Profit from this site is made using:
Any ad network you want
Designed with the JNews Premium theme.
Don't worry about the content. Every hour, every minute, or every day as you like, your website will be automatically updated with the latest news.
WordPress based auto-update site is totally beginner and easy to use.
Your well-ranked SEO website will be optimized.
Placing ads on major websites to attract clicks and sales.
You don't need to do anything to keep it up to date. The news site updates itself. The content of the news is completely legitimate as it is published from the leading newspapers of the world.
Ex : BBC - cbn - BuzzFeed etc..
You need domain and hosting or logins to your WordPress dashboard