Do you want an attention-grabbing WORDPRESS Header, TUMBLR header, BLOGGER header or any banner for your website, blog? Let's get you started with an original, high-quality design that's sure to impress your soon-to-be customers! This gig includes one design/one revision of a header or a banner Design is provided in jpg only. You must submit your own copy (text) and image/s or photo/sDo you want an attention-grabbing WORDPRESS Header, TUMBLR header, BLOGGER header or any banner for your website, blog? Let's get you started with an original, high-quality design that's sure to impress your soon-to-be customers! This gig includes one design/one revision of a header or a banner Design is provided in jpg only. You must submit your own copy (text) and image/s or photo/sDo you want an attention-grabbing WORDPRESS Header, TUMBLR header, BLOGGER header or any banner for your website, blog? Let's get you started with an original, high-quality design that's sure to impress your soon-to-be customers! This gig includes one design/one revision of a header or a banner Design is provided in jpg only. You must submit your own copy (text) and image/s or photo/s