I'm a Computer Hardware Technician running an individual business under the name Prasanna Computers. I assemble computers, maintain upgrade and repair them. I also eliminate viruses and malware. I install software and o/s, and also fix Windows and Linux issues. I have successfully completed Cisco IT Essentials Course. I can help you to solve desktop and laptop hardware problems, Windows and Linux Operating systems and application related problems. I will troubleshoot your computer remotely using Team-viewer which is 100% safe. You can watch every step of the troubleshooting process through Team-viewer. Viruses and Spy-ware will slow down computers, deny the user access to the Internet and will steal your data, wipe your harddrives's precious contents. Feel free to contact me to eliminate viruses and malware. The job will be done remotely. I will also install a reliable virus-guard and instruct you to make the best use of it. I will also optimize your computer using reputed software. I will respond to all your requests within 24 hours. I will also visit the customer and service the computer and replace any faulty component or upgrade any hardware component within the districts of Colombo and Gampaha in Sri Lanka.