I will resize the photos in bulk without losing quality
Available services:
Resize image for printing
High Resolution
Change the DPI of pictures; 150 dpi, 300 dpi, 1000 dpi
Resize image for web purposes
Crop photos
Convert images to supported formats (JPEG, PNG, PDF, BMP, etc.)
Rotate photos to the left or right
Mirror images vertically or horizontally
Compress to reduce the file size
If you are looking for another service related to graphic designing and editing, leave me a message.
Why should you hire me?
High-Quality Service
24x7 Availability
Fast delivery
Good Customer Service
Unlimited revisions
100% Satisfaction Guarantee
After-sales service
I can resize the photos in bulk very fastly without losing quality. i will rename the photos if you ask.
Thanks with Regards
Can I change the height and/or width of an image?
Yes, you can get the images in the required height and width. But if it's different from the ratio of the original image, some parts may have to be cropped.
For which projects can I get source files?
I provide source files for projects which have to work with multiple layers. (Single-layered images don't have source files because I use the original image you provide as the source file.)
Can I get a free sample for resize image?
Sure. Please get in touch with me.
How can I place an order for bulk image/photos resize?
You can place multiple orders. Please get in touch with me if you need to discuss it first.