It will be a pleasure to be able to help you with your RCBE.
Let's start with some important information about RCBE:
1) What is RCBE?
The Central Register of the Effective Beneficiary (RCBE) is related to a database which contains updated information about people who have the ownership or effective control of established entities/companies in Portugal.
2) When do I need to submit the RCBE?
Up to 30 days after the company registration (first declaration);
One time per year (to annualy confirm information);
Once you have any change related to the ownership or effective control;
Once you decide to close your business/company.
3) What will happen if I don´t do the RCBE?
You could have problems to open/maintain a commercial bank account;
You could receive a fine to pay issued by the Portuguese Government.
Vivian Perfeito
Lawyer (Professional Id/License OA56010P)