Once Upon A Time, I was a child fond of magical stories...A love that has endured all my life.Cinderella's changing fortune, the journey through Oz, Simba's return to his kingdom of pride-land, and the Cheshire Cat's grin etched into the shadows...even as an adult, these images and fictional moments are dear to me, perhaps more than anything else.We must preserve that childlike sense of wonder through fairy tales, stories of adventures, magic, and the imaginings of faraway lands and happily ever afters.In this gig, I will take your ideas, an outline of your children's story, and fashion from it a tale that will amuse and instruct children and make the grownups reminisce the sweet childhood memories.All the content I write will belong to you.You will retain exclusive commercial copyrights for the short story or children's book.We can chat or talk through a video call to discuss the book.Here are the details I would need in our discussions:A rough summary of the plot.Details like character descriptions, setting, tone, diction, and themes.If you can provide references, that would be very helpful.So, why the wait? PLACE YOUR ORDER TODAY!!!