I write prescriptions for you to buy medicines as a doctor.
Professional Grade Prescription [All details (history, examination, investigations, and medications) included on Rx script.]
Hello my name is Dr. Waleed Nawaz, I am a registered health professional and I have worked in
various public and private hospitals. If you need a prescription written for your medication please
contact me. I will write you a fresh prescription that can be accepted by an online pharmacy as well as from your local pharmacist.
I provide professional quality, online prescription service to those in need of a prescription but are
unable to get one. If you have lost your prescription, if it wasn't filled at the pharmacy and they won't give you medicine without a physical copy of your script then you need my service. If you cannot visit a doctor physically when you need to buy medicines in a real emergency then this is the solution for you.
Note: I don't offer sending prescription scripts directly to the pharmacy, instead I will provide you with PDF print ready version of the prescription which you can take to a pharmacy.