Below are my key skills: 1.Installation of different versions of DB2 UDB LUW on AIX, UNIX and Windows 2.Migrations and Fixpack Upgrades of DB2 ESE databases in V9.1, V9.5, V9.7, V10.1 and V10.5 and V11.1 3.Migrations and Fixpack Upgrades of DB2 ESE databases in SAP Environments for all DB2 versions. 4.Expertise in Database Server builds which includes High availability of HADR ( High availability and Disaster recovery) and TSA(Tivoli System Automation) 5.Setting up Q–Replication and SQL Replication for DB2 databases. 6.Performance tuning, DB/DBM parameter tuning, different levels of memory allocations and experience with all kinds of database snapshots. 7.Develop maintainence,backup and recovery solutions for databases especially very large databases. 8.Database restores including redirected restores into different staging environments. 9.Use event monitors, db2advis and db2 explain, db2pd and snapshots to monitor and per-formance tune. 10.Monitor CPU, Memory, Paging space, Disk I/O and analyze those using topas, nmon and other tools. 11.Good Knowledge on Export,Import 12.Managing of DB2 databases using db2top ,db2pd , snapshot , diaglog , db2look