How well is your ClearCase VOB or View server running on Sun Solaris protected?
Need automated logical snapshots of your VOBs every "n" hours?
My ClearCase checkpoint service includes:
-> Documenting application binary versions and patch levels
-> Capturing VOB names, schema versions, UUIDs, Scheduled jobs, ACLs, and license information
-> Space consumption by individual / total VOBs, cleartext pool, source pool, and derived objects
-> Integration with Solaris, NetApp, EMC Timefinder or Veritas snapshots
-> Locking, snapping, and unlocking VOBs at scripted intervals
-> Mounting read-only copies for reference by SMEs/AEs/Analysts
The fee for this service is $300.00 per server.
My ClearCase service can be augmented with other services for:
-> filesystems, tape backups, upgrade to NFS version 4.0
-> installing multiple C/C++ (Sun Studio or Gnu) compiler versions
-> private gigabit networks for VOB, View, and Build servers
-> additional storage/disksDelivery Time:1 Week(s)