Title: Children’s books, Comic books, Series Illustrations, Character Concepts, Advertisements, T-Shirts, Greeting Cards, etc--- Full Detail, Full Color.
1 page $60,
2 pages $100,
4 or more pages $45/ page,
10 or more pages $40/page,
for full graphic design including text, layout, style and placement add $10/page
All prices are in U.S.D., all transactions will take place through Guru supervision
Details: Drew if invited to take on your project will:
1. Start with rough drafts- you send the transcript he will send the rough sketches
2. You approve the rough draft, up to 3 revisions can be made
3. We begin the 2 page/ day production
4. finished illustrations are approved by you
5. any revisions needed are made.
Work exchanged will take place in Guru’s Work room or through email. Communication is highly encouraged throughout the project via cell phone and or email.Delivery Time:1 Day(s)