I am samrat chapagain, Solving constraints of structured Product data, improving my technical as well as management skills achieving both personal and organizational goals is what I look for in any job, Innovation and Creativity is what really inspires me in life. Other than that, I love Researching ERP products like SAP B1 and Zohobooks (Easy to use ERP products for small sized business)
My tasks:
- timely ERP implementation following go-Live support (via anydesk / teamviewer),
-Involved in solving data constraints of Trading, Production, and Construction business as I am working in ERP Field.
- communicating people involved in implementation
- Solving software issues that comes in client's side
- Efficient in tools like Google sheets, Remote desk, Trello/ HubSpot and reporting tools like Jira - Researching Materials needed to complete the task
- can wear multiple hats (Juggle tasks)
- Reporting tasks progress following approval
Thank You :)