Industrial control I also have a rich and diverse range of expertise in many areas and technologies including, but not limited to: -Embedded Microprocessor and DSP designs with 8 – 32 bit architectures. Specializing in TI, NXP/Freescale/Motorola and Analog Devices BlackFin processors as well as others - Switching and Linear power supply design with specialty in optimizing for highest performance and lowest noise improvements over reference designs. - CPLD and FPGA designs using Xilinx, Altera, Atmel and others - Analog design ranging from instrumentation, through audio and high speed frequencies - PCB layout using Mentor’s PADS PCB, Altium, OrCAD, AutoCAD, CAM350 and other tools - Compliance mitigation and shepherding through agency testing. - CCD and CMOS imager applications using Sony and Micron imagers and CCDs - USB and Firewire for high speed Audio and Video - Industrial control applications