I have broad knowledge of mathematics, and experience working in robotics and computer vision. In the following lines I briefly describe my main assets: * Embedded Systems: I have worked a lot with Arduino, Pinguino, Beaglebone Black, .NET Gadgeteer, and NVIDIA Jetson TK1 boards. * Robotics: Quadrotors (estimation, communication and control), differential drive robots, and manipulator robots (mathematical modeling, trajectory generation and control). MATLAB, ROS, V-REP and OpenCV. * Computer vision: visual odometry and SLAM algorithms. * Mathematics: Calculus, statistics, numerical methods, nonlinear systems analysis and a bit of nonlinear control. * Teaching: I served as a Teaching Assistant of One Variable Calculus during my undergraduate studies in Informatics Engineering for five consecutive semesters. I am also a Community TA of the edX "Autonomous Mobile Robots" course, offered by ETH-Zürich.