We are a team of professional Craigslist Ad posters. We are posting ads under various sections and categories from past 2 years. We work only for real time product promotions and services. If you are in need of live ads do contact us. WHY YOU WILL WORK WITH ME?: • I will give you 100% live ads and will not take any money for flagged ads. • I will give you 24 hours live guarantee.If ad flagged before this time i will repost it. • If ad stay more than 24 hours it’s a bonus for you.I will not take any extra charge for this. • Basically my ads stay live for a long day. I can complete any campaign work very nicely.I can assure you that you will satisfy and happy with my work. I NEED FROM YOU: Unique ads title and description for ad. Clear job Instruction. MY QUESTION TO YOU 1. Which category and sub-category do you want to post your ads? 2. How many ads do you need per day? 3. Which cities do you want to post your ads? 4. How many ads do you want to post per city? WHAT IS MY SPECILITY • I have all tools for ads posting • Such As • High Quality IP • High Quality Pva • Also Have 150 city ready pva • So i can Post your ads with in short time...