Trademark Filing Phase
- Prepare trademark clearance search report (s) with legal advice (if any)
- Filing trademark application in single-class
- Filing trademark applications in each additional class
- Drafting and filing user affidavit (if claim first use date of the mark)
Trademark Prosecution Phase
- Correction of clerical error or for amendment under rule 37
- Drafting and filing response of the examination report
- Requesting deletion of goods and services
- Filing extension of time
- Drafting and submitting an affidavit of use
- Drafting letter of consent
- Attending Hearing
Trademark Opposition Phase
- Drafting & Filing notice of opposition
- Drafting & Filing notice of rectification
- Drafting & filling counter-statement of opposition
- Drafting & filing counter-statement of rectification
- Drafting and filing evidence affidavit under rule 45
- Drafting and filing evidence affidavit under rule 46
- Attending Hearing
Trademark Maintenance Phase
- Filling renewal in a single class
- Filling renewal in each additional class
All related work on Industrial Design as well from Filing to Responding to office actions including attending hearing.