Web Design made Interactive with the use of simple jQuery. Sites are made to look however you'd like them. They can be as responsive (adjusting to fit any screensize) as you wish also. Adding interactiveness allows for photo slideshows (carousels), dropdown menus, tooltips (text that appears when you hover over something), animations, and much more. Due to the growing amount of people browsing sites on phones now, having a functional mobile site is very important and I'm happy to offer that as a service I offer in the times of growing mobile site viewers. Why would I be the service for you? - I hand-code everything I write. I type it all out without using any software or website builders. That just ensures that I know everything that I do and how it effects the rest of the project. - The codes I write are simple to understand to other coders, so should you require someone else to look at my code later on, it shouldn't be very complex to figure out. In addition, I make sure all my work is formatted nicely so it's not an eyesore to read. - I've used innovative solutions in the past in order make sites fluidly responsive. - I integrate as much beautiful browser support as I can, making sites looks clean, smooth, and aesthetic in the leading major internet browsers.