Recently completed a new enterprise-wide, web-centric application that will manage laboratory samples (> 50,000/yr) at a large biotech company in two locations. System uses a Sencha javascript framework for a clean, fresh client interface. It integrates graphical molecular structures using Cambridgesoft’s Chemdraw plugin to provide greater certainty for molecular hypotheses. Chemists reserve instrument time on one of ten different instruments. The reservation goes into a remote Oracle SQL database. Instrument controllers (Microsoft WebAPI and C#) pick up the request and initiate one or more complex experiments. Instrument status is monitored in real-time until results are complete. The comprehensive system integrates seamlessly with ACD Spectrus to provide rich analysis reports to the submitting synthesis chemists. This work is a good example of multi-vendor, cross-platform integration in the world of things. I am looking for similar projects involving integrated web site, database and backend controller development.