Save valuable time + get CREDIBLE internet research results. Have a thoroughly weeded collection of research results in your hands FAST. See a visual summary of the information for even quicker use of the results. I help writers, marketers, doctors, organizations, and private individuals cut to the chase so they can make decisions more easily and progress on their projects sooner. As a published PhD, I know the difference between statements and facts, and how to get facts FAST. If you also need statements expressing people’s opinions, experiences, and needs, I have a special method for researching what the market is saying. You will receive a thoroughly weeded collection of internet research results. With 20 years of business, sales, and academic writing experience, I understand what is at stake. Since 1999: I have researched internet content and academic literature for these markets: Health, Personal Development/Psychology, and Stepfamily Dynamics, Business, Parenting, Spirituality, Pets, Career Discernment, and Education. I am available for other topics as well. For writers, companies, and private individuals: get fast credible research results from a seasoned professional.