Skill set: - Native iOS (Objective C, Swift); - Device : Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE), iBeacon; - Cloud backend: Firebase; - WebRTC, OpenWebRTC, Wowza; - Graphic Designing: Photoshop, Sketch; - SQLite, CoreData, ActiveRecord; - Facebook API, Instagram API; - Google Map, Apple Map; - In-App Purchase; - iAd, Flurry, Testflight, Crashlithics; - ReactiveCocoa; - Github, BitBucket; - Vuforia; - Experience in Java Core & Android SDK - Understanding of modern mobile UI/UX principles - Experience in building of REST apps - Experience with Firebase - Knowledge of Google Maps API - Experience Data Binding - Usage of Dagger2 for DI - Opportunity to test applications on a large number of physical devices - Usage of modern development tools (Android Studio, Gradle, etc.) - Passion for writing clean and well-documented code