My full time job is Network Administrator for an Internet Service Provider from Romania, but after this job, I've tried to increase my income, working as a web developer. As web developer I work with Wordpress, HTML, CSS, PHP and MySQL and for media part of websites (logo, pictures etc) I use GIMP (Photoshop equivalent for linux) and Inkscape (vector based drawing program) I had work with many Linux distributions (RedHat, Debian, Ubuntu, Gentoo, Mandriva, Kali) but most used was Debian. Some services that were configured on servers, were ISPCONFIG (for hosting - like cpanel, but is free), web server (Apache), mail server (Postfix/Dovecot, Roundcube and Horde as browser-based mail client), firewall (IPTABLES), vpn server (Openvpn). For make my work as Network Administrator much easiest I made scripts in Bash and Perl .