DB2 Systems Programmer
DB2 Database Administrator
Websphere Administrator
MS SQL Database Administrator
Database Stored Procedure and UDF Developer
Business Objects Administrator
Peoplesoft Installer and Administrator
IMS Systems and Database Administrator
CICS Systems Programmer
DB2 and APPC Communications specialist
Network and OS/390 Administration I am a very intuitive computer professional with an unbountiful eagerness to learn new things that is why I have worn the following hats:
DB2 Systems Programmer
DB2 Database Administrator
Websphere Administrator
MS SQL Database Administrator
Database Stored Procedure and UDF Developer
Business Objects Administrator
Peoplesoft Installer and Administrator
IMS Systems and Database Administrator
CICS Systems Programmer
DB2 and APPC Communications specialist
Network, OS/390, and ZOS Administration
I consider myself expert at five computer languages and another four script languages.
Whether it be designing a database or writting a pr