Product 1 is a client-distributed turn-key application for a Check-Free-WebBillPay single-sign on application. It is distributed as a turn-key application to be integrated into the websites of clients (ie: BearStearns, Vanguard), and allows users go from the client's website to the CheckFree website without another log-in. PFPC is a Value Added Reseller (VAR) for the CheckFree system, and clients are supported by me, not CheckFree. This application is a J2EE application built on Servlet Spec 2.3, using beans and taglibs. Along with the described application are a series of web-based tools designed to synchronize encryption key updates on various locations.
The application is distributed as a turn-key package including sample client JSPs and Servlets which seek the user's CheckFree userid and password in a database and then redirects the user to a connection servlet.
The connection servlet uses an encryption bean to perform a triple-DES encoding on the user information and r