8+ years of experience on Java and Java Script based open source frameworks with SQL/NoSQL database 4+ Years of experience in Agile and TDD Java Specialty : Spring 3.x, Struts 2.x, AOP, Hibernate 3.x, JDO, JPA, SOAP/REST, maven, TestNG/Junit, mockito, Google Guice Java Script Specialty : Jquery, Java Script, JMVC, Backbone, Angular, Knockout, Node, grunt, Jasmine, Funcunit Database: MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle and MongoDB Knowledge of iOS, Android and Blackberry native application development. Expertise in Oauth, SSO and OpenID for third party authentication. Having huge interest and good potential on UNIX flavored OS (Linux, Fedora, centOS etc) Experience in publishing, e-learning, social-media, communities and e-commerce