Backend development with java and modern technologies is my main specialisation. I have more that 5 years of experience on position Lead Backend developer, Java Architect, Project manager. Have an excellent knowledge of core Java (concurency, jmm). Knows Scala, Python, JavaScript. I have a huge experience in design and development of event-driven applications with Akka, Netty, AMQP (Rabbit MQ). Have a proven experience in developing distributed, fault-tolerant and high-load solutions. As core technologies I have experience in Spring, Play2 framework, OSGi (Felix, Karaf, Peaberry), Guice. For storage I have a lot of experience in SQL (MySQL, Oracle), JDBC, Hibernate, Amazon RDS, noSQL (MongoDB, Amazon DynamoDB). I have very extensive experience in developing various API (JSON, XML, RESTful, HATEOAS). I always strive to arrive at aesthetically beautiful, high-quality solutions, maintaining the balance between quality and time. I write clear, well-commented code which can be easily understandable and maintainable.