Professional Web Application Developer in a wide variety of web applications. Always interested in job opportunities, interesting projects, as well as close interaction with any web-related areas. Particularly interested in building large web 2.0 community portals. Specialties: Java (Spring, Hibernate, Struts, JSF, GWT,..), Groovy/Grails, Scala/Lift/Play!, PHP (Zend Framework, Laravel, Symfony, Yii, Propel, Doctrine,..), (X)HTML, CSS, Perl, MySQL/Oracle/MSSQL/PostgreSQL, NoSQL, JavaScript/Ajax (Prototype, jQuery, ExtJS, Closure, Backbone, Underscore, AngularJS,..), Node.js, XML/XSLT, Flash/Flex/AIR. LAN, administration of Windows/*nix, Apache, nginx, Mysql, web security.