I am a Java Developer, working as freelance Java Developer, mainly in Upwork. I am very passionate in Java and java-related technology. My experience mostly in business computing and information system area, using JSF or Spring MVC as web framework, JBoss Seam or Spring as Integration framework and Hibernate as favorite Java Persistence API (JPA) implementation. Mostly using JUnit for testing framework, except for JBoss Seam, I am using Test NG which is bundled together with JBoss Seam distribution. I am also very interested in database design and software design. If my clients require software methodology to documenting my design, my favorite software methodology is Iconix Process. Iconix Process is simplified version of RUP, make The Iconix Process one of reasonable UML Based methodology to adopt. In my spare-time, I am writing some personal open source project and small proof-of-concept about java-related stuff in my GitHub public repository. If you need my detailed skill abilities, below is what I have experienced in: - JPA 1.0, JPA 2.0, with Hibernate. - Bean Validation Specification with Hibernate Validator. - Dependency Injection with Java DI (JSR-330), Java Context and Dependency Injection for Java EE Platform (JSR-299), and Spring Core as most popular (but non-standard) Java Dependency Injection Framework. - Java Web Framework with Spring MVC and JSP, or Java Server Faces (JSF) with Facelet and Primefaces. - Java Web/Application server with Tomcat, JBoss AS/Wildfly, or Websphere AS. - Logging with SLF4J as a wrapper to Log4J or Logback. - JUnit or Test NG as testing framework. - Ant or Maven as build and dependency management tool. - HTML 5, CSS 3, JavaScript, JQuery, Twitter Bootstrap, and transparency.js - Third Party API such as Xero API, Open ERP Java API, Braintree Payment API, and Social APIs (Google, Twitter, Facebook, GitHub, etc.) - Linux/Unix or Win