8.5 years of experience in Architecture design, development, implementation in Banking domin in flexcube core banking Payments module - interbank, intrabank transfer, imps neft, rtgs upi, netbanking application, OBP -Oracle banking platform, STP - straight through processing system for bulk transactions for Indian leading bank HDFC and YES BANK and also Investment Banking Domain Knowledge and expertise in Pricing Agency and Non agency modgage loans like HFI, heloc, pls loans and loan securitization of agency loans for US leading bank Jpmorgan, also having experience in paymemt gatway, Npci integration
integration imps, bbps (bharat bill payment system).
Extensive experience in Core JAVA, Multi-threaded Environment, EJB/MDB, JMS, MQ, kafka , Algorithm, Rest/Soap-services ,oracle db, Cloud-DB , end to end CICD pipeline
Architecture: Micro-Services,SOA
Freamworks: Spring, Hibernet, Spring boot
Cloud: AWS (Amazon Web Services), GCP (Gaia cloud Platform-Private Cloud), Spring Cloud,Docket, kubernetes, oracle cloud DB,
CICD piplines - git, bitbucket, jule/Jenkin, grovvy/Patter(yaml) build, FRS-Maven/Artifectory-Maven, Docker, kuberneties.