Seasoned professional with over 10 years of experience in lighting design field, electrical design field, and in tendering field, with over 6 years of experience in project management field. I am driven and enthusiastic about pursuing a career in Java Development and beyond. My main skills and expertise are (currently): ? OOP basics; ? Java basics: Class, Object, primitives, static and dynamic binding; ? Collections framework: List, Maps, Iterator, sorting etc; ? Java 5 features: Generics, Annotations, Enumerations, (un) boxing; ? Exceptions; ? IO: Readers, Writers, Buffers; ? Concurrency: Thread, Runnable, Executor; ? Intro to Databases and JDBC (using MySQL); ? Applied the developed skills to implement a small WEB application, which used: Spring MVC, JDBCTemplate; ? Basic Maven concepts were also learned in the process; ? some testing using JUnit;