A coder with 12 years of experience in web development. I've worked on Java, Grails, CakePHP 2/3/4, and PHP5, PHP7 having very good knowledge of HTML, Javascript, and its frameworks (jQuery, Reactjs, ReactNative, Nodejs, etc), and CSS/SCSS. Worked in the team as well as individually. Very good at handling subversion and coordination with different version controls like SVN, and GIT. Qualities: 1. Excellent logical and problem-solving skills 2. Very good learner 3. Excellent communication skills 4. Helping nature 5. Scheduled and smart worker Languages, tools, and platforms: 1. Java 2. Groovy on Grails 3. PHP, CakePHP 2/3/4 4. JQuery, JQuery mobile, Bootstrap, Foundation CSS, D3.js, AngularJs, KnockoutJs, ReactJs, ReactNative 5. Google Apps Integration 6. Amazon Web Service (Ec2, RDS, Transcoder, S3, SQS, SNS, etc.) 7. Heroku 8. MySQL, Postgres