Joe Biden appears to have avoided campaigning and effectively gone missing in action on the campaign trail in order to stop his poor approval rating negatively impacting Democratic candidates, it has been reported. Traditionally US Presidents hold big rallies for their party's candidates across the country ahead of mid term elections who can determine who controls Congress.
Mr Biden's approval ratings taken from an average of various polls sits just above 40 percent which is a near all time low.
The former Vice President's polling numbers are below that of Democratic candidates in tight races with Republicans.
Hopes amongst Democrats of holding control of the House of Representatives and the Senate appear to be fading.
Professor Larry Sabato, director of the University of Virginia's Center for Politics, said it would be difficult for Democratic candidates in next month's elections to succeed with an "unpopular" President like Mr Biden.
He said: "It's just tough for a party to thrive with an unpopular President and with the public having significant concerns about issues, like the economy and inflation.
"هذا هو السبب في أن مجلس النواب لا يزال من المرجح جدا أن ينقلب إلى الجمهوريين ، ولهذا السبب ، على الرغم من التحديات المذكورة أعلاه ، فإن فرص الجمهوريين للفوز بمجلس الشيوخ لا تزال أسوأ من قلب العملة".
ولم ينكر مسؤولو البيت الأبيض أن بايدن يتبنى مكانة أقل من الرؤساء السابقين خلال انتخابات التجديد النصفي.
وقد جادلوا بأنه يعتزم إلقاء خطابات مستهدفة بدلا من ذلك حول إنجازاته التشريعية مثل الاستثمار في البنية التحتية وخفض أسعار الأدوية.