We utilizes Devlopers extensive knowledge of extensions and templates to build sites using already created solutions. Often times they possess some graphic production skills and are able to make small design changes. They're not highly technical folks, but are still well suited for many small businesses and provide a lot of value for a lower market rate. We knows HTML and CSS and can take someone else's design and "skin" a template out of it, turning it into a use-able design for a Joomla website. We're well suited for graphic designers who need to transmute their design into a Joomla website. Joomla Performance Optimization: Performance of your Joomla site is very important. As soon as you publish your site you should make sure that your site is as fast as possible. Slow sites may not necessarily make your SEO rankings drop, but performance is weighed as a ranking factor, as you may read in this blogpost by the Google Webmaster folks. The same blogpost also refers to internal studies that showed that visitors spend less time on slow sites.