I am Joomla/wordpress/magento developer having an experience of 3 years . Joomla :-- I have worked on lots of project including the Joomla theming ,custom work in commercial and non commercial components , modules and templates. I am also having experience in creating Joomla extension like component ,module ,plugin and templates. Also i have worked on joomla upgrade projects including Joomla 1.5 to 2.5 or 3.0. Wordpress :-- I have excellent experience in Wordpress back-end development and plugins development. Magento :- I have also worked on the magento and wordpress integration using "Fishpig". Responsive :- I also made lots of responsive projects as well.. One page /Parallax site I have worked on the following components :- I also worked with apis like google map api. I also have expertise in htaccess and rules as well