CURRICULUM VITAE 1. Personal Information I have six years professional experiences in media and communication: possess excellent and organizational and communication skills. I am series professional with journalism background working on different position from Reporter to Assistant producer, producer up to presenter and senior journalist and always adapt ready to change; what is more, I consider myself as being proactive, practical and oriented to problem solving at work place, even under stress circumstances. 4. Education & Short Training 4.1. Academics MA Journalism and Communication from Addis Ababa University, Graduate School of journalism and communication, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia ? High Entrance score from Nagelle Borena preparatory school, Ethiopia National Agency For Examination (NAE) ? Certificate of Recognition Academic Award of excellent Academic performance and contribution in the cooperative learning that Mekelle University implemented ? Training of Trainers (TOT) - Training of Trainers for journalist, producer and media practitioners by the BBC ? BBC Editorial values –by BBC Media Action ? Training on how to Work with children - by BBC Media Action ? Safety training- by BBC Media Action ? Anti-bribery training- by BBC Media Action ? PSA and Program Production Training- by BBC Media Action 5. Hobbies and interest • Writing, • Watching Football • Talking and debating with friends • Editing and presenting news stories, writing for radio • Anthropology, • Exploration and tour guiding • Searching for knowledge in