A.I., Google's Rankbrain, and modern search engine algorithms have rendered traditional keyword research obsolete. In the modern digital landscape, algorithms and robots are created to understand how humans think - from intention down to semantics. Based on data and analytics, I offer effective keyword research strategies to make you visible in SERPs and improve your keyword performance.
⦿ Keyword Funneling
In my keyword funnel approach, I group each word, set of words, and phrases according to the intuitive step in the buyer's journey. Buyers enter keywords into Google with an intention in mind. Discover what words resonate with your audience.
⦿ Keyword Research
Don't just target the keywords everyone else is using. Using Google's search query data, I look for the "Golden-nugget keywords," which are those that are most likely to convert.
⦿ Keyword Mapping
I analyze your website and determine what keywords to target for different pages and content on your site. I can then differentiate intent and narrow your customers' focus so they find what they are looking for on your web pages.