Kidney stones are common in humans, and men effect more women, as the incidence rate in men is about 12% in women.
The stones of the one for two reasons
The first reason: is an increase in the secretion of the amount of some substances in the urine, such as calcium oxal and uric acid.
The second reason: It is the result of the lack of citric acid in the urine and the low amount of urine, and these two reasons are caused by an increase in the concentration of these substances in the urine and then the formation of gravel.
There are several factors that make some people more likely than others to develop kidney stones, including:
Malibility syndrome
Increase the activity of the thyroid or D.
Excessive drinking of soft drinks and a lot of foods that contain salts and proteins.
Medical drugs such as sulfonamides, Andynafir and Tremtreen.
Genetic causes results in an increase in calcium or sisin secretion in the urine.
Types of stones
Calcium Phosphate stones.
Uric acid stones.
Ammonium and magnesium phosphate stones
Sisin stones.
The symptoms differ according to the site of the stone. If the stone is small in size and is found inside the kidney, it may not cause any of the symptoms,
If the stone inside the ureter is suffering from severe pain in the underside of the back or the so -called renal colic, nausea, vomiting and blood descending with urine.
Treatment methods:
The first method: It is the work of blood and urine tests to know the substance that causes the gravel and the reason for increasing it in the urine, and then trying to stop it is another stones, because the percentage of repetition is that the stones in the injured may reach 70%
The second method: It is surgical and surgical treatment.
Li -treatment:
To drink a lot of fluids, so that it is not less than two liters per day, as it may lead to automatic passes of gravel that does not exceed half a centimeter.
To reduce salts, foods that contain proteins (fish, meat) and oxalate (tea, coffee and chocolate).
As for other treatment methods, they differ, depending on the size of the gravel, their location and symptoms, and from these methods
Breaking the shocking waves from outside the body
Or break the pebbles in a skin penetration method.
Dr. Muhammad Sadiq