Kim Crotty, the father of two teenage sons, Otto and Arlen, faced a challenging period during their childhood. He had to endure a lengthy separation from them while serving time at HM Prison Dartmoor in a remote part of England. Kim was incarcerated for cultivating a substantial quantity of marijuana, and within the imposing stone walls of the prison, he deeply longed for his boys, who also missed him dearly.
Kim, after obtaining a set of felt-tip pens, embarked on a heartfelt journey of writing stories for his children. These stories bore titles such as "Little Green Gronk," "Magic Mouse," and "The Mongolian Racing Slug," serving as his means of connecting with his kids from behind prison walls.
Kim diligently mailed these stories to his sons, and during their phone conversations, the boys enthusiastically shared their thoughts on the eccentric and comical characters from the tales with their father.
Kim's unexpected deportation to Australia occurred just seven months into his sentence. Upon returning to his home country, he joyfully reunited with his family, including his then-wife Beth, in the rural region of Western Australia where he had spent his own childhood.
Kim's stories, originally penned for his sons, have now become a source of inspiration for a new chapter in his life as a playwright.