- Ø Having experience on Kubernetes cluster.
- Ø Installation & cluster upgradation of Kubernetes with kubectl and kubespry.
- Ø Having experience on application deployment over cluster.
- Ø Cluster spin up/build by Kubernetes (K8s) over “kubeadm” manually & “AWS KOPS”.
- Ø Creating namespace over master node and sharing the detail to certain users.
- Ø Deploying front-end & back-end applications.
- Ø Do container scale-up / down by replicaset as per request on through master node.
- Ø Deploying app / DB servers from master node by customizing of Ansible playbook.
- Ø Shutting out node, pod, service, demonset & CrashLoopBackup related issues.
- Ø Fixing Kubernetes day to day operation issues from cluster end prospective.
- Ø Working on roll out version & kubernetes and application version upgrade.
- Ø Coordinating with Development team for any already build code related issues.
- Ø Having experience on Docker, Git, Ansible & Jenkins.
- Ø Experience on Jenkins for CI/CD, utils, peglegates, deploy Build with Parameters etc.
- Ø Writing Docker file as per customization request and use the same.
- Ø Knowledge on helm chart by practice experience.
- Ø Experienced on Linux server patching through satellite server and Ansible tower server.
- Ø Experienced in Unix System Administration (Linux, Ubuntu, Solaris & AIX).
- Ø Experienced on Nagios, Grafana & Kibana tools for monitoring applications and resources deployed in Kubernetes cluster.
- Ø Writing script when needed for automation of administrative task.
- Ø Having knowledge on AKS.
- Ø Good amount of knowledge on Terraform.
- Ø Experience on exalogic, emoc & ovm on dev/qa environment.
- Ø Lunching types of EC2 instances, stopping/starting/terminating as per need.
- Ø Creating S3 bucket, uploading data in bucket, providing access to end user & managing.
- Ø Creating Group on IAM, creating IAM users, adding IAM users in IAM Group.
- Ø Sharing .csv login detail file with manager once IAM user creation done successfully.
- Ø Creating roles & policies. Attaching the same over IAM users.
- Ø Providing VPN access to IAM users over “MFA-Multi Factor Authentication” through “Google Authenticate”
- Ø Working over “SES-Simple Email Service” for mail notification.
- Ø New volume creation and adding the same in “Instances” as per request.
- Ø Managing load balancing through kubernetes on EKS.
- Ø Formatting new added disk in instances and mounting the same as per request.
- Ø Detaching and deleting volumes when no more need along with concern team approval.
- Ø Understanding about volume snapshot.
- Ø Preparing SOP for future better performance and sharing the same with customer.
- Ø Sharing knowledge with teammates.
- Ø Taking scheduled candidates interview as a Technical panel prospective.
Having course complete certificates from “Linux Academy” for Cloud (AWS, Azure & GCP) and DevOps (Git, Jenkins, Ansible, Docker & Kubernetes)