Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant
syntax.Who scores better than other web frameworks because of its advanced features and
development tools that facilitate rapid web application development. Laravel also helps website
developers simplify their development process with clean and reusable code.A Laravel developer is like
any other software developer. BUT, one thing that sets them apart is their special affinity for the
Laravel framework using the PHP programming language. Laravel developers make it possible to build
highly functional web applications that elevate user experience.
**_My technical skills:_**
✔️ `PHP (I'm using OOP, Design Patters, KISS, DRY and SOLID principles and following PSR Coding Standard)`
✔️ `Database: MySQL, MariaDB`
✔️ `Frameworks: Laravel, Yii, CodeIgniter, CakePHP`
✔️ `CMS and CRM: ActiveCollab, CsCart, Bitrix`
✔️ `Frontend: JavaScript (jQuery, jQuery UI, Bootsrap, Backbone, VueJs). HTML5, XHTML, CSS3 + Bootstrap.`
✔️ `Other: ElasticSearch, Bash Scripting, RabbitMQ`
✔️ `Version control: git, svn, mercurial.`