We are Greenfield studio, family firm from Belgrade, Serbia. We own a digital printing machine and, beside printing, we do some prepress. However, we do have a vast amount of prepress projects behind us, especially magazines and books. My wife Ljubica most of last 10 years worked on a magazine layout with picture editing. I, myself, have a more versatile experiences, as I was working in a magazine publisher firm, publisher firm (where we met), magazine publisher firm, prepress studio, printing house, and finally in our own studio.We organize our time, so we are very available and deadline awared. We have around 17 years of experience, each, so any prepress work is really not a problem, as long as we manage to agree on terms of our cooperation.At the moment, we own a digital printing machine, used mainly for printing books. We do have time to fill with prepress work, so we are very interested in remote work.