- 🏆 100% Job success score 💯
- 🏆 100% Client Recommendation
- 🏆 Availability & Working Hours: (40+ hours/week)
I am fully expert in Data Entry, Data Mining, Internet Research, Web Scraping, Lead Generation, B2B Lead Generation, Linked-in Lead Generation, Email Research & Social Media Lead Generation with 6+ years of experience in the freelancing field.
I am dedicated to my job, keen on details, and can work with less supervision. I am a very hard and fast worker, reliable, detail-oriented, self-motivated, take every job seriously, And help you achieve the target you aim for your business/company.
★★★My Specialties★★★
- Lead Generation
- Contact List Building
- Email Research
- LinkedIn Researcher
- Database Building
- Email List Generation
- Valid and Verified Email Addresses
- Lead List Building
- Prospect List Building
- LinkedIn Prospecting
- Data Entry
- Data Mining and Extraction
- Data Collection
- Microsoft Excel
- Spread Sheets
- Facebook links Discovery
- Linked in links Discovery
- Twitter links Discovery
Tools that I'll use for extracting emails from linked in and websites:
- Hunter.io
- Apollo
- Rocket Reach
- Kendo
- Prophet
- Zoom-info
- Contact out
- Clear-bit
- Leads Gibbon
Looking forward to working with you.
Thank You!